Monday 7 July 2014

Creating a Better Future

The mission of FEED:
The world has long since suffered from the problem of bad food products. There have been countries that lost millions of lives due to famines. Lives are something that cannot be compensated. Thus the need for proper products to feed the world became important. Lauren Bush Lauren took this need into account and founded the FEED organization. Ever since its inception, FEED has produced numerous products to feed the world. It has taken many steps to decrease the food problems around the globe. With its inception, food problems in the world have become a lot lesser. With a fixed aim of allowing the world the luxury of good food, FEED has moved forward with remarkable speed. It has achieved the respect and satisfaction of many countries. FEED has also vowed to move forward bringing forth more help and thus achieving more satisfactory people.
Lauren Bush Lauren:
Lauren Bush Lauren has achieved the title of a founder and CEO of an incredible organization at a young age. Owing to her huge achievement, she has received considerable amount of respect. Recently she has been appointed as a keynote speaker at the fifth annual Entrepreneurs Conference. This event will be taking place at Cox Centre in Tulsa on the 8th of April. The Lauren Bush Lauren keynote will be witnessed by many prominent bodies. The students Government Association Speakers board has also appointed her to present a speech to the Oklahoma’s University Stillwater Campus. This speech is to take place at the same day as the annual Entrepreneurs Conference.
The fifth annual Entrepreneurs conference is being sponsored by the Riata centre for Entrepreneurship at OSU. This conference has to offer very suggestive ideas about the starting off or expansion of business.
Lauren Bush Lauren is said to have started her job as a spokesperson in 2004. She had been an honorary spokesperson for the World Food Programme since then. In the conference she is going to share her experiences in her journey in the WFP. Apart from that she is also going to share her thoughts and ideas about the growing entrepreneurship.